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Genoveva Rossi: An Exclusive Look Behind The Scenes Of The Extraordinary And The Wicked.

As "Not Another Bad Horror Flick" gets closer to its premiere date, we asked the star of the film, Genoveva Rossi to take a walk down her horror adventure memory lane.


Genoveva Rossi as The Fortune Teller in "Not Another Bad Horror Flick"

Earlier this week Machete Media Production had announced that “Not Another Bad Horror Flick” will premiere this Saturday at Finch Studio Space in Nyack, New York. This short film is a tale of a teenage “mean” girl trying to hide her secret identity. As the title of the film underlines it, the story is supposed to be very entertaining and absurd. The film stars Genoveva Rossi, an actress with an extensive imdb profile, who is a well-known “scream queen” in Horror Community. I was very excited to conduct my first ever blog interview, exclusively for Machete Media Productions with Genoveva.

Danuta Byra: First of all I want to say it’s a real honor that you were a part of our film "Not Another Bad Horror Flick" Genoveva Rossi: It was a pleasure working on this film. I had a lot of fun. I really loved playing my wicked character. DB: How did you land in Film Industry in the first place?

GR: I had an interest in acting since childhood and had been acting in some school plays. In college I began acting in dramatic shorts. Shortly after college I had the opportunity to act in my first horror film and I jumped on it. I decided to focus on my acting and focused a lot of my attention on the horror genre. Now in the last for years I have been in over 55 horror films. Things have been very bloody and very busy! DB: What and how much has changed for you since you started to do horror, acting-wise and career-wise? GR:Horror has always been my favorite genre as a fan so it was a natural genre to focus on as an actress. It is a really challenging and gives me the opportunity to embrace a lot of unique characters and act in some really intense scenes. It's a real challenge both as an actress and an artist. Things happen in horror that just don't happen in other genres. . . Career-wise I feel like the horror genre has welcomed me with open arms. In a short period of time I have acted in a lot of spectacular horror films and I have gotten the opportunity to work with so many talented people in horror; both actors and directors. It is a real honor to be in so many films that are distributed worldwide. Also, it has been fantastic being a guest at horror conventions and seeing my work at film festivals. It has been a wild ride so far and I am thankful for everything. I have acted in genres outside of horror including drama, and comedy, but horror is the genre that I have gotten the most attention for. I am considered a well-known"scream queen", which means that I am recognized for my work in horror on an intenational level within the horror community. I do a lot of international interviews for podcasts, websites and magazines. Horror has a very loyal, internationl following. DB: Do you watch your films? GR: Yes I do watch my films although I honestly haven't seen all of them! I love to watch them at film festivals or at horror conventions so that I can get the audience reaction and feel the energy as the film plays! It's also a great opportunity to meet the horror fans! DB: You are playing a Fortune Teller in our Film. Coincidentally you are a Tarot Card Reader. Were you able to identify with this role better? Were you drawing from your own personal experience? GR: I think I played the character as a exaggerated version of myself. I wore my own wardrobe for the part and wore a black wig. I was able to draw upon my own experience as a tarot/psychic reader and also my own interest in th occult and supernatural. I am a professional tarot reader that reads at events all over the country. I also do private readings in person, via Skype, chat, phone, and email. My Facebook for my Tarot work is:

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Machete Media Productions interviews Genoveva Rossi at Chiller Theater Expo Horror Convention earlier this year. DB: What if anything makes your character scary? GR: My character is very angry and she has magic at her disposal. That is scary to most people. How do you defeat an enemy that have magical powers? A person that can jinx, hex or curse you? That is a battle most people won't win and cuts to the core of all our superstitions and fears. It is probably best to never wrong a witch. . .a lesson that many learn too late. DB: What else is in store for you in 2014/2015? Anything else you’re really excited about? GR: I am very excited to be working on James Balsamo's vampiric horror/comedy Bite School. Adam Ahlbrandt's disturbing films Hunters and The Sadist. I just worked on Liam Makrogiannis's Night of the Magician. DB: Based on what you’ve achieved thus far- what would you say is your defining moment? What film would you say is the film that you are most proud or fond of? GR: I think for me a defining moment was working on Apocalypse Kiss. I played a pregnant woman and had a birth scene. I was in this with D.C. Douglas, Michael Berryman and Tom Atkins. Douglas, an accomplished actor, told me that my birth scene was great. It was a great role and to recieve such a compliment from him gave me a sense of my worth and skill as an actress. It has been great to work with people in horror that have really influenced me like Michael Berryman in Apocalypse Kiss and Linnea Quigley in Hunters and The Sadist. To go from being a fan of these horror icons to working with them is a real honor. At this point there are really three films I think I am the most known for. Please look for me in A Dark Place Inside (directed by Mike O'Mahony), Apocalypse Kiss (directed by Christian Jude Grillo), I Spill Your Guts (directed by James Balsamo). DB: Anything you'd like to add? Every month I write a feature of Malevolent Magazine called A Day In The Life Of A Scream Queen, which follows my bloody adventures in the horror genre. Find it online to see info on Not Another Bad Horror Flick and my other bloody projects. Horror isn't just a genre, it's a lifestyle! Check out my IMDb: My Facebook: Twitter: YouTube:

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